
904061 - Stuart McSnoozle

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904061 - Stuart McSnoozle
It's lights out at midnight, but Stuart keeps his chamber candlestick lit, just in case he hears footsteps downstairs near the Christmas Tree-surely it's Kringle! This cinnamon bear holds a brass candlestick and wears a velvet night cap, a flannel night shirt with a velvet patch, cotton briefs, and velvet slippers to keep his tootsies warm as he paces the cold hardwood floors. When he's not snoopin' out his chamber window, he rests in his comfy hardwood walnut-stained chair (inspired by a child-size antique!).

Vital Statistics
Item Number: 904061
Introduced: October 2002
Height: 10"
Materials: plush fur with poly filling Poseable: Yes
Status: Retired

Location: FLR 102, Boyd's Plush, Bin#3
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