
PD013936 - "You Little Clown" pocket Dragon

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PD013936 - \"You Little Clown\" pocket Dragon
You Little Clown

You Little Clown
This little guy, with his floppy shoes and big red nose
could make anyone laugh.
You Little Clown was the first in a series of three pieces in the
Circus Collection, released as a Special Edition
for the 2005 Dragon Days Celebrations

Height:   3"
Width:   1 3/4" (side to side)
Depth:    2" (front to back)
Issue Year: 2005
Retired : 2006

Pocket Dragons

The Whimsical World of Pocket Dragons
Pocket Dragons are collectible depiction's of friendly dragons in various situations. They were produced primarily in figurine form, but also were released as ornaments, in flat artwork and various other forms. They were created and designed by Real Musgrave and were manufactured by Collectible World Studios. Unlike many artists behind collectible lines, Real not only created the flat artwork for them, but also sculpted them. Both Real and his wife, Muff, enjoyed nearly complete creative control over the line.


The story of the Pocket Dragon goes back to a limited set of black and white drawings done by Real Musgrave in the mid-1970s, depicting a small dragon in the pocket of a tweed sport jacket. The first set of Pocket Dragon figurines went on sale in June 1989 and included twenty-seven of the figures. They were produced in Stoke-on-Trent, England. In the fall of 2005, Real & Muff Musgrave announced that they would retire, along with the Entire Pocket Dragon Collection, on December 31, 2006. On November 12, 2006, the last ever Pocket Dragons event was held at Collectibles (Fine Glass and China) LTD, Stockton-on-Tees. Real and Muff Musgrave have now retired and Pocket Dragons are no longer being made. By the time they were retired, over 400 different Pocket Dragon characters had been produced.
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